Pursuant to the Federal ___ of Protection of Personal ____ Held in Private Possession (___ Federal de Protección de _____ Personales en Posesión de ____________) (the “ Act ”) and its Rules (___ “ Rules ”) in force in ______, we hereby inform you ___ terms and conditions of ________ Data Privacy Notice (Aviso __ Privacidad de Datos Personales) __ Banco Ve Por Mas, _._. Fideicomiso 321 (hereinafter referred __ as the “ Hotel ”) in relation to ___ lodging establishment Dreams Natura ______ and Spa located in _________ Federal Cancún-Puerto Morelos, Lote 101-21, SMZA 31, Municipio Benito ______, Quintana Roo. C.P. 77508.

1. What information do __ gather?

The HOTEL gathers your ________ data by means of _______ formats. Some of these ___ request information related to ________, such as: (i) Personal data, including ____ and surname, date of _____, private address, work address, _____ number, e-mail address, tax ______________ number (Registro Federal de ______________) (“ RFC ”), Unique Population Registry ____ (Clave Única de Registro __ Población), (ii) Financial or patrimonial ___________ including credit card information __ connection with payment of _____________ service and (iii) sensitive personal information ____ about your physical health (___ “ Sensitive Data ”). Such data hereinafter ________ to as “ Personal Data ” (Datos Personales).

While checking-in the HOTEL, _______ documentation (such as, copy __ your photo identification, debit __ credit card number and ___) may be requested to ___. We use the highest _________ in terms of security __ order to protect your ________ Data.

2. What do we ___ your information for?

The Personal Data we ______ from you have the ____ purpose of:

Primary Purpose: (a) Identifying the Guest; (b) Creating and updating ___ Guests’ records, including Guests’ ___________ in connection with statistics _______ to their choices and ___________ in accommodation services, and _______ provided by guests of ___ HOTEL; (c) Evaluating as potential ______; (d) Providing required products ___ services, in a timely ___ proper manner, such as, ____________, purchase of vacation packages, ________ of memberships or any _____ vacation program and/or in __________ with any other transaction _______ to accommodation, touristic and/or __________ services; (e) Informing you about _______ services to those hired __ past visit(s) to the _____; (f) Carrying out studies ___ analysis related to consumer’s ______ and behaviors; (g) Debit and credit ____ charges for purchased services; (h) Invoicing and billing, ___ (i) Fulfilling our obligations ____ our guests in general.

Regarding Sensitive Data, the _______ and only purposes are: (_) Adopt safety and prevention _______ to avoid the spread __ infections in the Hotel, ____________ (COVID19); (b) comply with ___ clean and monitoring process “ CleanComplete Verification Program” and (_) where appropriate, refer ___ guests to medical services ___ special facilities.

Secondary Purpose: (a) Email advertising, (b) Informing about Hotel’s _______, gifts and/or special offers; (c) Evaluating the quality __ the HOTEL’s services, and (d) Contacting directly to ___ guest by means of _________ or e-mail for the _____ mentioned purposes.

All persons entering Hotel __________ may be recorded by ________ cameras. The images recorded __ security cameras are used __ ensure the safety of ______ and supervise Hotel areas __ real-time.

When any person enters __ Hotel facilities, a thermal ______ or any other electronic _____ will detect body temperature. __ the thermal camera indicates ____ your surface body temperature __ above the threshold, we ___ ask for your cooperation _________ our internal procedures avoid ___ spread of infections.

In collecting, processing and ________ your Personal Data, we ______ with the principles established __ the Act; legality, quality, _______, information, finality, loyalty, proportionality ___ responsibility.

3. Who we share ____ Personal Data with?

The HOTEL may transfer ____ Personal Data exclusively to ___ of the AMResorts’ corporate _____ companies, as well as __ any third party that ___ entered into a service _________ with the HOTEL in __________ with, or in order __ provide services for the _______ of the Guest, pursuant __ item 2 of this _______ Notice.

In order to comply ____ the applicable law or ___ requirement from a competent _________, the HOTEL may reveal _______ or allow the access __ your Personal Data. We ____ not commercialize, sell or _____ your personal information without ____ previous consent.

Sensitive Data could be ______ within the territory of ______ only to a judicial __ administrative authority, for the ___________ of obligations provided by ___ General Health Law of ______ or in agreements issued ___ the fulfillment of the _______ Health Law of México.

Your Personal Data may __ sent, stored and processed __ a country other than _____ it was collected, such ________ will be carried out __ accordance with applicable data __________ laws. The Hotel protects ________ Data regardless of where __ is stored or sent.

The Personal Data you _______ to the Hotel may __ accumulated and stored in _ database that is the _________ property of or designated __ the Hotel.

4. What security and _______ measures we use to _______ your Personal Data?

The HOTEL has implemented ______________, technical and physical security ________ in order to protect ____ Personal Data against damage, ____, alteration, destruction or unauthorized ___ or access to it, _____ we also demand from ___ service suppliers, even when _____ services are supplied or ________ by HOTEL’s subsidiaries or __________.

5. Who oversees the _________ of your Personal Data?

The “Committee of Personal ____” (Comité de Datos Personales) __ in charge of processing ___ treating your Personal Data. ___ Committee of Personal Data _____ from 9:00 to 18:00, ______ through Friday and is _______ in Carretera Federal Cancún-Puerto _______, Lote 101-21, SMZA 31, _________ Benito Juárez, Quintana Roo. _._. 77508, direct phone number (+52) 998 (689) 0400 or __ can also be contacted __ the e-mail address indicated __ item 6 of this _______ Notice.

6. How to exercise ____ ARCO rights and revoke _______ to use your Personal ____?

Owners of Personal Data ___ exercise their ARCO rights (______, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition __ processing and treating Personal ____), or revoke consent granted __ the HOTEL for processing _____ Personal Data, by sending _______ petition to [email protected] .

Such request shall include, __ least the following information: (a) name and address __ any other contact information __ order to notify you ___ response to your request; (b) documents proving your ________ or legal representation, if __________; (c) clear and precise ___________ of the Personal Data ___ which you wish to ________ any of your ARCO ______, and (d) any other information _______ to facilitate identifying your ________ Data.

7. When can you ________ your ARCO rights?

Pursuant to the Act ___ the Rules, you may _______ the exercise of your ____ rights at any time; ___ HOTEL has the obligation __ reply your request within ___ following 20 days. Once ____ period of time has _______ and in case the _____ has not replied to ____ request, then you may ____ for the right’s protection _________ before the Federal Institute ___ Access to Public Information ___ Data Protection (Instituto Federal __ Acceso a la Información _ Protección de Datos) (“ INAI ”).

8. Amendments to the _______ Notice.

We may amend this _______ Notice from time to ____. Any amendment to this _______ Notice will be informed __ you by any of ___ following means: (i) visible _____ placed in the HOTEL’s __________ (bulletin board), (ii) HOTEL’s _______ , or (iii) email __ mail directly to the ________ addresses. We will not __ held responsible if you __ not learn of any _________ to this Privacy Notice __ in case you do ___ receive that certain communication ___________ by the HOTEL. For ____ convenience, please check over ___ content of this Privacy ______ periodically by sending a _______ to our email address [email protected]

9. Other Applicable Laws.

The HOTEL is located __ Mexico and Mexican law _________ all the matters related __ the Personal Data. By _________ your information to the _____, you consent us to ___ and transfer your Personal ____ as mentioned above, and ______ this Privacy Notice.

This privacy notice complies ____ the requirements established by ___ Mexican law.

Last update: June 26, 2020