Terms and conditions of ___ Privacy Notice for DREAMS _____ RESORT & SPA Hotel _______ at Carretera Chetumal Puerto ______ Km. 236.7 No.1 Tankah _______ Maya, Tulum, Q. Roo, _._. 77780, published in compliance ____ the Federal Law for ___ Protection of Personal Data ____ by Private Parties and ___ Regulations (jointly the "Law").


1.   What information is collected .

The Hotel collects Personal ____ in a variety of _______ which may include, (i) ____ such as name, date __ birth, home address, business _______, telephone number(s), e-mail, Universal __________ Registration Number [ Social Security Number ], and (ii) financial ____ as a tax number, ______ card number(s) used to _______ payments for accommodation (the "________ Data").


During the check-in process ___ Hotel may require certain ___________ such as i) legal __, ii) debit and/or credit ____, iii) tax number. All ___________ collected for such purposes ____ be protected.


2.   How the information is ____ .


Primary Purpose:  (a) identification; (b) updating __ the Hotel guest database __ include accommodation history for ___________ and service usage; (c) __________ of client potential; (d) __ provide services and products ____ as reservations, vacation packages, ___________ or any other transaction _______ with accommodation, touring and __________ services in general; (e) ___________ on new services or ________ related to prior purchases; (_) marketing analysis; (g) credit ___/__ debit card charges for ________ provided via the Hotel; (_) billing; and (i) in _______ to fulfill our obligations.


Secondary Purpose : (a) Hotel e-mail ___________; (b) to provide information __ changes, gifts and/or specials _______ by the Hotel; (c) _______ quality surveys; (d) personal _______ with a guest by _________ or e-mail.


All persons entering Hotel __________ may be recorded by ________ cameras. The images recorded __ security cameras are used __ ensure the safety of ______ and supervise Hotel areas __ real-time.


Your Personal Data is _________, used and stored in ______ compliance with the applicable ____.


3.    Information Sharing .

The Hotel will only ________ your Personal Dated to _____ companies members of the _________ group and to third _______ suppliers of selected services ____ whom the Hotel has ________ agreements to provide Guests ____ services in accordance with ___ purposes set in section 2 above. The Hotel may _______ access to your Personal ____ when required by law. __ do not market, sell __ rent out your Personal ____ without prior consent.


Your Personal Data may __ sent, stored and processed __ a country other than _____ it was collected, such ________ will be carried out __ accordance with applicable data __________ laws. The Hotel protects ________ Data regardless of where __ is stored or sent.


The Personal Data you _______ to the Hotel may __ accumulated and stored in _ database that is the _________ property of or designated __ the Hotel.


4.   Protection of Your Personal ____ .

The Hotel has set __ administrative, technical and physical __________ systems to ensure that ____ Personal Data is not _______, lost, altered, destroyed, used __ accessed without authorization, and __ require that such measures __ implemented by contracted service _________, Hotel subsidiaries and affiliates.


5.   Who is in charge __ safeguarding Personal Data .

Your Personal Data stored ____ the Hotel is handled __ the "Personal Data Committee" _______ at Carretera Chetumal Puerto ______ Km. 236.7 No.1 

Tankah Riviera Maya, Tulum, _. Roo, C.P. 77780. They can __ contacted during business hours ____ 9 AM to 6 __ Monday to Friday. Their _-____ is provided in section 6 below and their telephone ______ is +52 (984) 8713356.


6.   Exercising your ARCO (Access, ______, Correct, Oppose) Rights .

The owners of Personal ____ may exercise their ARCO ______ and revoke their consent _____ to the Hotel by _______ an e-mail stating that _________ to the following address [email protected] .

Such request must contain: (_) name and address or _____ means of contact; (b) _____ of identity or legal ______________; (c) clear and precise ___________ of the Personal Data ____ which the ARCO rights _____ be exercised; and (d) ___ other information that can __________ the identification and retrieval __ such Personal Data.


7.   When to use your ____ rights .

Owners of Personal Data ___ exercise their ARCO rights __ any time. The Hotel ____ answer a request within 20 days after being notified. __ the Hotel fails to ______ within that time the _____ of such Personal Data ___ initiate the enforcement of _____ ARCO rights through the ________ Institute for Information Access ___ Data Protection (INAI, Mexico).


8.   Modification of the Privacy ______ .

The Hotel reserves the _____ to modify this Privacy ______ at any time to _______ changes in its information ________ practices. The information owner __ responsible for checking if _____ are any changes in ___ Privacy Notice posted in ___ following webpage, or __ sending a written request __ the following e-mail [email protected] .


9.    Other Applicable Laws .

The Hotel is located __ Mexico therefor all matters _______ to Personal Data are ________ under the laws of ____ country. By providing your ________ Data to the Hotel ___ grant your consent and _________ its use and transfer __ accordance with the provisions __ this Privacy Notice.


This privacy notice meets ___ legal requirements.


Last updated August 3, 2017